ubuntu Ubuntu Linux Crashed ... Understanding the Linux boot process, layers and typical scenarios is helpful in recovery from crash.
freebsd The Elusive BSD Desktop on QEMU / KVM FreeBSD Desktop on QEMU / KVM still requires additional configuration, but GhostBSD is getting close to providing an "out of box" installation, that works
eclipse QEMU Guest - Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop / Gnome / Eclipse Broken There is a serious performance issue with Ubuntu 22.04 Dektop and the Eclipse snap, when running as QEMU quest. Problem has been reported in Ubuntu LaunchPad.
cisco CISCO Configuration Professional (CPP) Revival How to get Cisco Configuration Processional (CCP) up and running as a Windows VM, now that XP and Flash are no longer available and officially "end-of-life" and CCP has also been announced as "end-of-life"
fedora core Creaky Old Fedora Core Linux for SGI L3/L2 Running SGI L2/L3 Emulator on Fedora Core (yarrow) with QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine
ubuntu Converting Ubuntu from bios to UEFI The simple way to convert Ubuntu VM from bios to UEFI boot
virtualization Nested KVM / QEMU / libvirt Virtualization on Ubuntu Running nested Ubuntu VMs on KVM / QEMU / libvirt
bhyve Nested FreeBSD Virtualization with bhyve Running FreeBSD as virtual guest host with bhyve and QEMU / Libvirt.
freebsd FreeBSD GNOME Desktop on QEMU / KVM Tips on setting up FreeBSD Desktop on QEMU with EvTouch USB Tablet.
macos MacOS on Ubuntu with KVM/QEMU and OVMF/Clover EFI Some guidance on running macOS (up to Catalina) on KVM
openvas Running OpenVAS (GCE) Appliance / Greenbone Community Edition / Greenbone Security Manager TRIAL on KVM / QEMU KVM/QEMU Machine Details for Greenbone GCE / GVM / GSM install.